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our products

positive influence can help mitigate your risk by providing customized, reliable, and timely research into the prior posts of influencers and those whose social media life might affect you or your clients.


Foundation Report

This is a comprehensive study that searches as far back as you request, up to the inception of any accessible social media accounts. Often covering thousands of posts, including text, pictures, emoji-language, trending acronyms and modern colloquial phrases.

Additionally, you choose a secondary filter for this research that covers the product category in which you operate. This way, if anything is found relating to your general sphere of business it will be noted in our report. This is an attempt to ensure that you are fully aware of any activity encroaching on your immediate interests.

Compliance Report

This forward-looking report is meant to cover a specific period of time, from now into the future. Typically this research is requested from the start of your relationship with an individual (employee, contractor, spokesperson, influencer) all the way through to a specific point in the future (a contract end date?).

This report covers all the elements mentioned earlier in the Foundation Report, but additionally screens for any terms of your contract that are visually identifiable within their social media. These contract terms could include exclusivity agreements, or even a “morality clause” outlining behavior that is considered unacceptable during the term. Positive Influence presents you with the report in an effort to help confirm compliance with any particular terms of an agreement.

don’t wait until it’s too late

reach out to positive influence to help you today